

Dominique Age 18 , Position - Intern

Graphic Design major at The Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago

“When I first started out I wanted to be a veterinarian. Art was in my mind but it wasn’t my major thought and so when I moved back to Chicago from Memphis and I got back into art, being at SkyART really made me pick the career I’m doing now which is graphic design. I love art. Art is like a place for me when I’m like…I can’t even think of words for it. It sets me free from everything that is going on around me. I can be at school with a whole lot of things going on around me but if I’m drawing or something nothing can distract me from that, I’m focused.

Over the summer when I was an Intern with SkyART, we were doing a mural across the bridge. After we were done people were coming up to us and saying thank you and that they were so glad we had done it. And I felt really good being a part of that- helping to change a community.

I definitely think art can change a lot of things, because art speaks louder than what people believe it can. It can change their minds and their perspectives. Just seeing one painting can really change your mindset.

I want people to look at my art and think differently.”

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Since 2001, SkyART has been inspiring Chicago youth with free arts programs. We have done this with the help of an incredibly generous community of supporters, all of whom believe in the power of the arts to help realize limitless potential. Please join our family.